
China Energy Technology Project (CETP)
The identification, design and implementation of “sustainable energy systems” is a key element to sustainable development. Recent reviews on the current state of long-range integrated energy system modeling have concluded that there is a lack of integrated energy assessment activities, with sufficient technological specificity, to educate decision-makers of the longer-term implications of policy decision, particularly in a joint fact-finding and decision-making environment involving multiple stakeholders.

  • To develop a global methodology for analyzing the true cost of electricity taking energy technologies and their environmental impact into account and using China (Shandong Province) as a case study to demonstrate its effectiveness.
  • To identify robust portfolios of energy options to assist the decision-making process among stakeholders through database development, risk assessment, demand forecasting, energy system modeling, life cycle assessment, environmental impact assessment and decision support analysis.

Analysis completed. Reports, Kluwer book and interactive DVD completed