
Regional Climate and Air Quality
Principal Investigators
MIT: M.Molina, R.Prinn, E.Eltahir
ETH: C.Shar, H.Davies
UT: A.Sumi, H.Akimoto, S.Kodo
EPFL: M.Rossi, H.van den Bergh

Recent research has made it clear that atmospheric pollution in the form of gaseous and aerosol constituents can substantially influence regional and global climate. Thus policy decision regarding climate need to take into account air pollution policies and vice-versa. The interaction between meteorological and chemical components of the system is two-way: the regional circulation, cloud and precipitation patterns determine the transport and washout of the chemical species, while the presence of atmospheric pollutants feeds back to the regional climate through radiative and cloud-microphysical processes.

  1. To integrate existing activities from the fields of regional climate modeling, air pollution modeling, and laboratory studies of air and aerosol chemical reactions to better inform ongoing policy studies.
  2. To improve the representation of surface hydrology and precipitation processes in regional models.
  3. To find, describe and understand from a fundamental point of view novel heterogeneous chemical processes taking place at the gas/solid or gas/liquid interface.
  4. To confirm the experimental results by several independent methods in order to afford a wide range of experimental parameters and to minimize artifacts or spurious effects.
  5. The integration of the meteorological and chemical activities detailed above, using a Regional Atmospheric Transport and Chemistry (RATCH) model.

The major scientific goals are:
  • To understand better the ways in which regional climate change can affect regional air quality.
  • To understand better the ways in which radiatevely important species produced on the regional scale can affect climate on regional to global scales
  • To provide a mechanism for timely integration of the above laboratory studies of chemical reaction into air quality modeling and setting priorities for the laboratory studies through exploratory modeling studies
  • To understand the two-way feedbacks between regional air quality and climate
  • Reaction probabilities for heterogeneous chemistry processes measured with different techniques in each of the laboratories will be intercompared and will be provided as input to the regional atmospheric chemistry model
  • Prediction of gases and aerosols and regional scale for input to ecosystem and human health studies
  • Objective analyses of proposed air pollution and climate policies and measures
  • Better tools that are designed to study regional impacts of any global change
  • Better understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the response of the soil hydrology in mid-latitudes to doubling of carbon dioxide
  • Better understanding of the impact of changes in vegetation and wintertime snow cover on the regional climate of mid-latitudes.

  • Found and studied a “slow” heterogeneous chemical reaction that may be of importance in areas of intense agriculture or where ammonia emissions are important.
  • Soot from combustion sources when interacting with NO2 may result in the formation of HONO which is a trigger of photochemical smog formation. The sources of HONO are not clear. The project has highlighted the influence of ht type of soot ant its reactivity as a function of combustion stoichiometry
  • Characterized the ice surface of Cirrus clouds and contrail particles formed in the upper troposphere where the greenhouse effect is the largest.
  • Investigated the mechanism of atmospheric oxidation of aromatic compounds, particularly toluene. This is an important process in smog formation in polluted cities.
  • Started investigations of chemical properties of soot particles, in particular their susceptibility to be oxidized by the hydroxyl radical.
  • Determination of characterization of regional-scale climate predictability
  • Hydrological feedback processes between the soil and atmosphere, and in particular between soil moisture and precipitation, in order to assess the predictability of regional climate and to evaluate the impacts of climate change on water resources. Results demonstrate that precipitation in summertime mid-latitude climates depend heavily upon the soil-moisture contents.
  • Improvement of the representation of surface hydrology and precipitation processes in regional models.