
The Indicator Project
Principal Investigators
MIT: J.Clark, S.Murcott, N.Choucri
ETH: D.Spreng, H.Nowotny, B.Aebischer, A.Gheorghe
UT: K.Yamaji
GIIS: U.Luterbacher

Indicators help to quantify, simplify, and monitor events, states and developments. They are used to communicate findings to the general public, facilitate political decisions, and/or help in the evaluation of policies. The targeted use of improved, meaningful indicators can enhance communication processes and improve decision support for sustainability policies as well.

  • Quality criteria for the selection of energy consumption and energy efficiency indicators most relevant for the description of the eco-efficiency of technologies, national economies and lifestyles
  • Identification of policy indicators describing policy measures and bundles of measures with the aim of identifying interdependencies between the efficiency/energy indicators and the policy indicators
  • Development of an information basis on the potentials of efficient climate change policies (sectoral, national and multinational) that could support the decisions in climate change policy on the regional, national and multinational level.

  • Effective indicators are much more situation-specific than thought previously
  • We know how important socio-economic and infrastructural factors influence total (direct and indirect)energy consumption at the household level
  • Result of a survey of Sustainability Indicator: the concept of sustainability does not seem to be a tool for actually ‘doing’ science so far. On the research level, only very few draw on existing definition of sustainability or organize their work in terms of sustainability. Sustainability seems rather the greater framework and may be a compass to help align roughly the direction of their research activities.